Monday, July 6, 2009

More Sydney

Sorry folks... I am a proud mom. Here are a few more!

Bandit loves Sydney.

I think Nick was a little sleepy.

This was how tiny her hands were when she was born.

This was after getting her shots. Just wanted to snuggle with mom.

Oh poor baby. Those bandaids are where they gave her the shots.

2 months old!!

So on July 1 little miss Sydney turned 2 months old and I couldn't help but ask where the time had gone?! Today we had to take her to the doctor for her two month shots. They told us to give her baby Tylenol to help "ease the pain." Ok I think that was a nice thought but it didnt seem to make her not feel the pain. It put her into this drug induced coma it seemed but she of course woke up when the dear doctor started pushing on her tummy and her legs and doing all the regular check up stuff. The came the wicked witch of the west valley. The Nurse! She came in with her needles ready to give Sydney the shots and give her a medicine she drinks. I think Sydney must have been on to her game because she was not about to swallow the nasty stuff. So the nurse kept trying, she must have tried to hard though because Sydney threw up ALL over her. The poor nurse had enough time to sit Sydney up before getting the full blow of it. I was laughing, and so was Nick. So we cleaned her up and got her calm then the nurse finished the job. Oh my my my... poor Sydney has never cried like that. It brought tears to my eyes because all I could do was pick her up and tell her it was going to be ok. But she is doing ok. I think her legs still hurt but she is a tough kid and is sleeping it off.
So how big is she? 10 pounds and 22 1/2 inches long.
Here are some pictures of her over the last two months.

Just home from the hospital. Look how tiny she is in that car seat.

One week. This was at her baby shower.

One month old.

Two months old and trying to hold her head up.

Happy 4th of July!

Carri and Nick