Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fox Tuesday

I find myself falling into a crowd. A crowd of people who, like me LOVE Fox Tuesdays. I don't know about all of you but I find myself looking forward to TV on Tuesday nights for the purpose of two shows. A new House and a new Fringe. Now I am sure that most of you have at least seen some of House but I have found that I find Dr. House's attitude toward life and love (or the lack there of) hillarious. He has the cruelist little snid remarks that Schuyler and I can't help but laugh at and we find ourselves trying to guess what could possibly be wrong with the patient this week. We are always completely wrong, of course, sense neither one of us can think of things like the African deetz syndrome or something crazy like that, no no we aren't that creative. There were times that if either one of us were trying to get out of something we would say "Hey lets watch House and what ever is wrong today we will just say we have that..." yeah I don't do that anymore sense the last time I said that the sickness was something incredibly discusting that I couldn't even pronounce. The latest though is House has found that deap down he does have feelings the problem is that he has feelings for his boss... Dr Cuttey. Not a good situation... but SOOOO enteresting.. Now as for Fringe... if you haven't watched this show I would suggest it. It is insanly crazy but soooo intriging!!! The doctor in this show has spent time in a mental institute and is absolutley crazy, however the boss guy reminds Schuyler and I of a praying mantis and Schuyler mimicks one almost everytime they show him. I can't really explain about this show but it is definitly a must see...