Monday, June 22, 2009

The land of the married

Hello all! Things are going crazy in the land of the newly wed. Schuyler I am happy to say is working again which he is extremely happy about. First of all I think I better start out by introducing the member of the Schuyler Lindsey family... (some of these you will have heard me talk about quite a few times) First of all are my doggies... Panzer is our newest addition in the world of dogs. He is the big white one in front and Keeta is my little princess in the back. They are getting along well now after quite a few little battles. They are as different in personality as they are in looks. Panzer who at first wont come near you if he doesn't know you will after he knows you not leave you alone. It is amazing how that big nose can maneuver its way into the smallest of places. He is a big lovable dog and Keeta who has lately taken to entertaining herself by the reflection of the sun off her dog tag will come over get her loves and then leave and be by herself. She has always been this way and Schuyler and I keep saying we wish that they would rub off on each other and become a middle ground.
Keeta pretty much thinks she runs the house. Schuyler has been having a hard time adjusting to her and her adjusting to him. But they are doing really well and I just love my doggies so much.

And now for the horses...

This is Honey... She is our big beautiful blond girl. Very lovable and friendly and will eat pretty much anything you put in front of her. She is also a brand new momma... Introducing Bronsons Royal Ace "Ace". He was born on Mothers Day around 9 o'clock at night.

He is a spunky little guy and is starting to trust more and more. I am looking forward to getting to know him and figuring out what we are going to do with him.

This is Jazz. She is my fiery red head. She is going to be a big beautiful horse and I look forward to the time when we are able to ride her. Which will hopefully be soon!!

So there you are... there is our family. We are doing really really well and are loving married life. We absolutely love our house which is coming along really nicely now that we finally got the carpet put in. We have been married for three months now and it has been fantastic. Sorry this blog isn't exactly a very entertaining one but I thought I had better introduce our new members of the family!

With love from Schuyler and Lindsey Brandol!