Sunday, January 24, 2010

If you're gonna play in Texas...

I have left a piece of my heart in Texas.... In San Antonio to be specific. I just got back from a 4 1/2 day vacation in the heart of the Lone Star State. Ok... so it's not the heart of Texas, but it's close enough. And I have the Tobler family to thank for that!

A little less than a year ago, I took my first trip to Texas and it was the Tobler family that took the time to show me around a bit. I knew I would have to return and spend more time with them. As if fate knew my plan, the team was playing in San Antonio two days after a holiday... so I emailed Lucy and asked if they wouldn't mind a post holiday visitor - and fortunately she said yes! So I got permission to fly home with the team after the game and bought my one way ticket!

I arrived on Saturday afternoon and went home with the team on Wednesday night after the Jazz beat the Spurs (woo hoo!). Even though my time there was short, it was wonderful! The days were packed with fun and laughter and lots and lots of talking (sorry for the late nights Lucy!!)! We talked a lot about our families and discovered how alike we all are... which seems so funny since we didn't really get to see one another growing up.

Our days were packed with memories and fun -we jumped rope, rode a train that was slipping on the tracks, witnessed a Chloe sized nuclear meltdown, walked through a Japanese tea garden, played 'Mother May I?', went to the cutest little town and picked out houses (stayed tuned for a blog about that), learned about the sensations in your fingers and on your back, made cupcakes, watched hilarious episodes of "My Fair Wedding" (LOVE IT), went shopping and the whole family went to the Spurs/Jazz game! I know there was more but I hope to keep you captivated enough to read my other two blogs... as soon as I post them!

My trip to San Antonio made me realize something... that traveling as an adult to see family you never got to see as a child, is really the best kind of travel. Darcy and Emily... consider this your heads up -you're next on my list of people to visit!


gwenna said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your trip! And, THANKS for the pictures of my grandbabies.

Darcie said...

We would LOVE a visit!!